Cottage in Grand Bend Ontario
Waterfront Cottage Tobermory Ontario
Luxury Vacation Rental Carlisle
Tobermory Lafefront Cottage
Lakefront Cottage

Handpicked selection of Canada's best vacation rentals

Luxeberry takes the guesswork out of booking the best holiday homes and cottages throughout Canada. Our carefully curated collection of chic vacation rentals are bucket-list destinations in of themselves.

At Luxeberry, a team of specialist hospitality professionals performs a 100+ point inspection on every single home–a rigorous selection process to ensure we only work with the best.

We also include in-depth quality control to ensure your linen is crisp and the entire house spotlessly clean and sanitized. And with a professional support team on hand to assist your every need, the process is simple and streamlined from A to Z.

And for our happy customers, this guarantees you’ll stay in a stylish luxury property with impeccable function and form. All you have to do is choose a property that aligns with your needs and book it. It’s that simple. Rest assured, you’ll be staying in a funky and functional home where everything is just as it should be.

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